Eczema in children can be tricky and hard to teat because each child is different. What may work for your child may not work for another, as each case is unique and personalized. With trying to treat eczema for kids you might have to try a few different techniques or treatments before you find the one that stops the flare-ups and itch. At DCSI, we explore more about childhood eczema and share common treatments for childhood eczema.
What Is the Main Cause for Eczema?
Before we can help try and treat eczema for your child, it is a good start to know what exactly eczema is and how you can spot the first signs. According to Web MD, Eczema is a medical condition that causes the skin to become irritated or inflamed. Right now, in the US, eczema affects about 10% to 20% of infants and about 3% of adults and children.1
Eczema Symptoms in Children
While each child may present different symptoms, the most common sign of eczema in children is red and itchy patches of skin. The good news though is that many children actually outgrow eczema in their teenage years, however, it can still remain and be persistent. For infants that are exhibiting eczema, it may appear as an oozing and crusting condition that will show on scalp and face, as well as patches on other parts of the body.1
Treatment for Kids with Eczema
As mentioned above, the right treatment may work for some children but may not work for yours. You will not know this though until you start trying to treat your child. Our certified dermatologist Dr. Wassef wants to let parents know beforehand that there is no real cure to eczema, but instead, there are treatments for mitigating eczema symptoms.
Bathing and Lotion to Treat Eczema
Bathing and good moisturizers are a good way to treat eczema for kids in the beginning. Since eczema can dry out the skin, you want to get an unscented lotion, something without irritants or harsh chemicals. Apply this to your child’s skin every night to keep it moisturized. Bathing with a gentle shampoo and soap can also help you try and is known as the soak and seal method.
Applying Wet Wraps
Another effective method to treat eczema for kids is applying wet wraps to their arms or legs to cool their skin down. Eczema is known to burn and itch, it can feel and uncomfortable to your child. To help, take a wet cloth with cool water and wrap it around the parts that are particularly bad.
Going to a Dermatologist
When all else has failed the best treatment for childhood eczema is going to see certified dermatology that can help with over the counter meds or steroidal skin ointments. Here at our medical dermatology center, Dr Wassef is a known and certified dermatologist who can help with treatment beyond eczema as well. Stop your child from itching and schedule a consultation to get your child the help they need.
1 - Web MD – Skin Conditions and Eczema