Tips for Healing After Mohs Surgery

Tips for Healing After Mohs Surgery

You recently got a skin cancer diagnosis, and now you are preparing to schedule an appointment for Mohs surgery to have the growth removed. You’ve read some articles explaining what this procedure is, but you still don’t fully understand what happens after the...
Mohs Surgery Questions Answered

Mohs Surgery Questions Answered

If you are awaiting the results of a skin biopsy, your dermatologist might have mentioned Mohs surgery to you. However, they might not have explained what this surgery is. If you want to have your Mohs surgery questions answered, the Dermatology & Cutaneous...
Understanding Different Types of Eczema

Understanding Different Types of Eczema

If you want to understand more about the different types of eczema, you’ll first need to know what it is. You likely have a few questions about eczema, including “What are the root causes of the condition?” “How can this be diagnosed?” and “How long does it last?” At...
Common Questions About Eczema

Common Questions About Eczema

At the Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery Institute, also known as DCSI, we see various types of skin conditions. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition that affects about 10% of the people in the US. Not surprisingly, at our offices, we see...
Acne Breakouts: Effective Strategies for Acne Spot Treatment

Acne Breakouts: Effective Strategies for Acne Spot Treatment

Acne breakouts can be frustrating and very challenging to manage, but with the correct strategies, you can effectively treat and prevent them from occurring. Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery Institute (DCSI) will explore the various acne spot treatments and the...
Common Skin Conditions: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Common Skin Conditions: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Skin conditions can affect people of all ages and backgrounds, ranging from mild irritations to more serious medical conditions. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for common skin conditions is essential for maintaining healthy skin and seeking...