Treatments for Hives

Treatments for Hives

Hives, also known as urticaria, is a skin reaction that causes itchy welts ranging in small spots to large blotches. Angioedema is a related type of swelling that affects a deeper layer of the skin, oftentimes around the face and lips. You can usually treat mild cases...
Summer Skincare Tips

Summer Skincare Tips

Just like you change your clothes as the seasons change should you be changing your skincare routine. It’s important to be especially diligent during the summertime when the temperatures are hot, and the sun is beaming. As you’re showing more skin during the summer...
Skin and Sun Safety

Skin and Sun Safety

The sun is getting hotter, not only every day but also seemingly every year. This gives us more of a reason to throw on our bathing suits, tank tops, shorts, and other loose-fitting clothes that allow for our bodies to breathe. It only takes minutes for the sun’s...