Tips for Healing After Mohs Surgery

Tips for Healing After Mohs Surgery

You recently got a skin cancer diagnosis, and now you are preparing to schedule an appointment for Mohs surgery to have the growth removed. You’ve read some articles explaining what this procedure is, but you still don’t fully understand what happens after the...
Mohs Surgery Questions Answered

Mohs Surgery Questions Answered

If you are awaiting the results of a skin biopsy, your dermatologist might have mentioned Mohs surgery to you. However, they might not have explained what this surgery is. If you want to have your Mohs surgery questions answered, the Dermatology & Cutaneous...
Common Questions About Eczema

Common Questions About Eczema

At the Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery Institute, also known as DCSI, we see various types of skin conditions. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition that affects about 10% of the people in the US. Not surprisingly, at our offices, we see...
Caring for Sensitive Skin

Caring for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin requires special care and attention to maintain its health and appearance. At DCSI, we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals with sensitive skin. It is important to know the characteristics of caring for sensitive skin, provide insights...
Best Products for Hyperpigmentation

Best Products for Hyperpigmentation

At DCSI, we understand the distress that hyperpigmentation can cause. Dark spots, uneven skin tone, and patches of discoloration can affect your confidence and overall complexion. Fortunately, there are several effective products available to help you combat...